Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Carbohydrate Identification Lab Analysis Questions

  1. Name the three categories of carbohydrates studied in this investigation. [umm. .  Monosaccahrides, Polysaccharides, and Disaccharides]                     
  2. What three elements are present in all carbohydrates?  [carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen]
  3. Give two examples each of sugar molecules from our discussion or the textbook that are:
    1. Monosaccharides- galactose & glucose
    2. Disaccharides- lactose & sucrose
    3. Polysaccharides- glycogen & starch
  4. How many times larger is the number of hydrogen atoms than oxygen atoms in:
    1. water? 2 times larger than oxygen
    2. carbohydrates? Twice the amount of oxygen atoms
  5. “Mono” means one, “di” means two, and “poly” means many. Why are these terms used in describing the three types of sugars? It helps to know what the molecules look like. For example,a monosaccharide has only one carb beacause the "mono" part.
  6. How can you tell by using Benedict’s and iodine solutions if a sugar is a:
    1. Monosaccharide- Chemical change will happen when Benedict's is mixed and heated, it should turn orange. If iodine is mixed it has no reaction.
    2. Disaccharide- With Benedict's or iodine their is no reaction at all.
    3. Polysaccharide- Iodine will make a chemical change, it turns black. With Benidict's their is no reaction.
  7. A certain sugar has no change in color when tested with Benedict’s solution.
    1. Can you tell what type of saccharide it is?
    2. Explain. [ Because some don't react at all, it would be hard to see what type of saccharide it is.
  8. A certain sugar has a color change in Benedict’s solution.
    1. Can you tell what type of saccharide it is?
    2. Explain. [Polysaccharides and disaccharides will react mixed with Benedict's solution so you would be able to notice what type of saccharide it is.
  9. Give an example of a food that contains
    1. Monosaccharides- CORN SYRUP
    2. Disaccharides- TABLE SUGAR
    3. Polysaccharides- OATMEAL

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