Saturday, April 21, 2012

DNA Structure

We learned about DNA structures the genetic material inside all cells. The real name for DNA is deoxyribonucleicacid. It is mainly just bunches of little patterns coming as one called nucleotides. Three things that are in nucleotides are, nucleic acid, ribose sugar and phosphate group. With all the nucleotides joined together it makes a long ladder made up of sugar molecules and carbonhydrates groups. The ladder is made up of nitrogen bases. When making joining together they have certain partners that connect. For example, adenine is always paired up with thymine and guanine is always paired up with cytosine. Throught out the whole ladder weak hydrogen bonds keep the pairs held together. The DNA could form a double helix which is a scientific name for the structure of the DNA twisting. When DNA is has the process of making a copy of itself that is called semi-conservative replication.

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