Sunday, February 12, 2012

Online Onion Root Tips

                         Interphase  Prophase  Metaphase  Anaphase Telophase  Total
Number of           
cells                     20                10             3                  2              1             36

Percent of 
cells                   55.5              27.8           8.3               5.5          2.7             99.8

                        Interphase     Prophase   Metaphase   Anaphase   Telophase    Total

# of cells            619                14                 6                 4               5                 648

% of cells           .96                 .02              .009             .006           .008            1.003

What % of cells were interphase?
Their was like 60%

What % were in mitosis?
About 50% in mitosis

Which phase of mitosis takes the longest?
The longest was the prophase

During which stage is the nucleolus visible as a dark spot?
The nucleus is visible as a dark spot when interphase occurrs

How can you recongnize a cell in metaphase?
The chromosomes will be lined up in the middle

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