Tuesday, December 20, 2011


 In the first experiment yeast was our main substance, and added it two many other elements. Four cups full of 3 milliliterof water and 3 milliliters of peroxide. Each cup had a different amount of drops of yeast, 20 drops, 30 drops, 40 drops, and then 50 drops. After that we got a computer that was hooked ta a pressure cork that was placed in the test tubes to record the pressure data. This was called the concentration lab and this was our results:

The second lab we had 3 mililiters of water and peroxide in all the cups. Also 30 drops of yeast in all the four test tubes. The only thing different was the temperture of the test tube, one was room temp, cold, hot, and then warm. Thats why its called the temperature lab. . . Here was our results:
The last lab dealed with different pH levels, all three test tubes had 30 milliliters of water and 30 drops to them. The first tube had pink level 4 pH, the second had blue level 10 pH, the third had yellow level 7 PH. This was our results to the Ph level lab:

Conclusion:  If there are stronger Enzyme concentrations, then the enzyme activity increases. When its cold the activity becomes lower, but when temperture increases the activity becomes higher. Also higher ph levels cause higher activity in the enzymes, and lower levels cause lower activity.

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